All those options!

Baking, roasting, smoking, steaming, turning spit, slow cooking, grilling, fruits and so much more. Do you discover even more options?

What can you not with sparks?

Pizza in 90 seconds
Baked on stone bread
Slow cooking, hours long
Grill like real fire masters
Grill vegetables as it should be
Chickens on the spit, carefree
Cooking pots and stews
Dip and flatbread
Colorful oven dishes
Fish on the Plancha
Make hard vegetables
Smoke Your Fruit, Pimp Your Salad
Delicious snacks
Creamy pumpkin
Focaccia with delicious bite
Pimientos de Padron
Fluffy Sugar Bread
Apple cake
Pancakes, nice and thick
Sausages, without poking or turning